Lady Dupleix used to ask for bribes
It is a cliche when I say strange are the ways of human mind.In Pondicherry,a son was able to avenge the imprisonment and death of his father at the hands of the Governor only through conversion into Christianity.To achieve the aim,he went to Paris.This is a story which we get from the first volume of the 12 volume Private Diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai.Ananda Ranga Pillai (1709-1761)was the First Secretary of the French East India Company in Pondicherry.I am speaking about Guruva Pillai,who was Head of all subjects of India at Pondicherry.
Guruva Pillai was the son of Nainiya Pillai or Nainappa ,who was Agent of the Company in Pondicherry during Governor, General Guillame Andre de Hebert.
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Dupleix |
Hebert (1653-1725)was Governor of Pondicherry first during 1708-1712and then in 1717-1718.He had invited Nainappa's brother in law Thiruvengadam Pillai and some other rich merchants from Perambur to Pondicherry to do trade there.The trade had flourished when some charges were put up against Nainappa.He was arrested and sent to jail,where he died of ill treatment.Guruva Pillai and Thiruvengadam fearing resentment by the Governor fled to Madras.From there Guruva Pillai went to England and from there to Paris,to meet the Regent,The Duke of Orleans.The Governor Hebert was recalled in August 1718 and replaced by Pierre Andre Prevost de la Prevostiere.
We don't have the details of Hebert's recall in Ananda Ranga Pilla's accounts.But from Church history I have found that the recall was because he had yielded too much to the machinations of the Jesuits.So it has to be assumed that there was Church politics behind Nainappa's imprisonment.It is possible that he invited the wrath of the Jesuits.
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AnandaRanga pillai |
It was the time when Jesuits had poisoned Cardinal Charles Thomas Maillard de Tour non,but survived .Cardinal Tournon(1668-1710) was born in the Savoyard family of Turin in Italy.After studies he went to see Pope Clement XI(he had made several Bishops).Pope ordained him as Bishop with the title Patriarch of Antioch in 1701 and made him Legate to East Indies and China,to create harmony among missionaries.He arrived in Pondicherry on November 6,1703 in French vessel Maurepas.On June 23,1704 he issued the decree Inter Graviores forbidding Malabar rites in churches.The Jesuits were up in arms.The Cardinal then sailed to China and the Emperor Kangxi received him with pleasure initially.The Emperor became furious when he heard the Cardinal was there to forbid Chinese rites in churches-Chinese Christians were making offerings to Confucius.The Emperor sent some Jesuits to Rome in protest. Through the intrigues of the Jesuit Fr Emmanuel Osorio with the Governor,the Emperor expelled the Cardinal .He was confined in a prison in Macau,where he died.He was made Cardinal just before his death.His remains were buried in Rome only in 1723.His death made the Jesuits happy but threw all the missionaries in India and China into great consternation.
The Cardinal had patronized a Jesuit priest, Le Pere Claude de Visdelou(1656-1737),who was made Bishop of Claudiopolis.In 1714 the Pope appointed him Vicar Apostle in India for the resentment of the Jesuits.The Pope sent him his Bulls condemnation of the superstitions with which rites of Churches have been corrupted. Visdelou circulated it to all churches for publication,but the Jesuits refused.Visdelou separated himself from his own order of Jesuits.The Jesuits in turn reiterated that the Bishop of Claudiopolis has no jurisdiction in India or Pondicherry.The rival faction was led by Bishop of St Thome(Mylapore), de Lainez.Though Lainez died in 1715,the Jesuits continued to protest against Visdelou.They found a political friend in Governor Hebert.There were countable priests who supported Visdelou.Fr Esprit,who was among them escaped from the scene of action.He was brought back by a detachment of soldiers at the behest of the Jesuits.He was deported to Paris;but was sent back by Cardinal Noailles.
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Cardinal Tour non |
It was during this turbulence,Guruva Pillai reached Paris.His wishes were granted.He embraced Christianity. He was admitted to the order of St Michael as a Chevalier.He returned to Pondicherry and became the Head of all Indians there and Courtier.Thiruvengadam was recalled.
After Nainappa, Pedro Kanakaraya Mudaliyar(1696-1746) was made Courtier,considering the view of the evangelists to appoint a Christian.He became Chief Dubash and Broker in 1724 and remained in service for 21 years.When the Jesuits insisted on a Christian,the Company worked out a compromise by creating the post of Co-Mudaliars.While Nainappa and Thiruvengadam were Courtiers,Savari Pillai and Guruva Pillai were Co Mudaliars respectively.Guruva Pillai was the first Indian to get the Cross of St Lazar for meritorious service.In the same platform,Kanakraya was also honored for playing a role in the negotiations with the Nawab of Arcot.He was gifted a palanquin by Dupleix.Guruva Pillai died in 1724.One account says he was issueless and another says since his children were raised as Hindus none could succeed him.When Thiruvengadam died in 1726,his son Ananda Rangam Pillai was made Courtier by the new Governor,Le Noir.Kanakaraya was the first Tamilian to own a Ship under French rule,in India.The ship,Soucourarna was sold to the French in June,1730.Joseph Francois Dupleix,the Governor paid 2800 pagodas as price.It was remitted in cargo of gold of the voyage to Bengal and Surat.
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Kanakaraya bust in Church |
Kanakaraya financed the French during their crisis in 1739,without taking interest.On october 22,same year his son Velavendra died.He was just 21.He was buried with silk attire,pearl ear rings and a ring in finger.On return from cemetery,his wife ,Natchathiram's sari was in ablaze,apparently in an act of suicide.The house was destroyed in fire.Ananda Ranga Pillai,who was an astrologer himself blames it on Kanakaraya's star.But he started exporting textiles to France in 1743.In 1744 when Kanakaraya was made Courtier,the highest job an Indian can have with the French, Ananta Ranga was presented with torches by Dupleix publicly.
Kanakaraya's son's death shattered him.He built the St Andrews Church in his memory.It was opened on November 30,1745.He invited the whole Pondicherry for the feast.It is the first recorded equality meal in India(Sambandhivirundhu in Tamil;Panthi Bhojanam in Malayalam).Inscriptions on him are there on the walls of the Church.
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St Andrews Church |
On February 11,1746, he fell ill.Lady Jeanne Dupleix came home and consoled Natchathiram.She pleaded for sealing off the properties fearing his brother would claim inheritance.Jeanne(1706-1756) was born in Pondicherry,daughter of the Surgeon of the Company,Dr Jacques Albert.Ananda Rangam Pillai records about Jeanne:"All curse her as a pupil of devil who will ruin town". He has recorded her cruelty,corruption and religious persecution against Hindus.Dupleix had tried to destroy the Eswaran Temple several times.She gave Nellithope,a gooseberry orchard by the sea to Jesuits to build the Assumption Church. Dupleix was her second husband.Her first husband Vinces was Councillor of the Company.He died at 60,Jeanne married Dupleix at 33.She had 11 children from Vinces,five boys and six girls.Her only child,a boy,from Dupleix died the same day of birth.Jeanne had even taken bribe from one Annapurna Aiyan to be appointed as Courtier in place of Ananda Ranga Pillai.The move got aborted.She died in Paris.Hindus used to call her as Joanna Begum. An official committee of 20 led by Ananda Ranga Pillai settled the claim on Kanakaraya's property in favour of Chinna Mudali,Kanakaraya's brother;the two ladies,Natchathiram and her issueless daughter in law were given interest for life from the Estate.After their lifetime,it was decided that the interest would go to brother Thanappa.
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Kanakaraya's grandfather Thanappa Mudaliar was the first Chief Dubash(translator in trade) of the Company.He had a prominent role in establishing the French colony in Pondicherry.He had come from Poonamallee.He and his son became Christians on March 10,1671.He took the name Lazaro de Mota.He began a rice business with the French in 1672.It was on his suggestion 150 French migrants came by the sea to Pondicherry on January 15,1674.He became Chief Agent same year and Head of Tamil merchants in 1686.He controlled the entire business.He invited weavers to settle.He exported textiles,salt peter,camphor,ivory,precious stones and spices to France.He spent a huge sum to build the St Lazaros Church.Ananda Ranga Pillai,history says,was jealous of this family.
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Ananda Ranga home |
I have been to Thiruvannamalai a couple of times.Close to the Gopal Pillayar temple,there is,Kanakaraya Mudali street;Thiruvannamalai also was a French settlement.
Ananda Ranga Pillai succeeded him.A street in his name is there in Pondicherry.
Reference:The History of Christianity in India/James Hough/Rare Books
The Indian Trade at the Asian Frontier/ S Jeyaseelan Stephen/Gyan Publishing House,2010
The Madras Tercentenary Commemoration Volume.
The Private Diary of Ananda Ranga Pillai/Ed by J Frederick Price & K Rangachari/1904/available online
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