Saturday 18 September 2021



The Little Prince is a book loved by all children. You loved it as a child. In it, Antoine de Saint Exupery says of the important organ in the human body: “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Let's look at how the diet helps to keep the heart, healthy.

Diet and Heart

It also means the capability to see the secrets of the world ceases to exist when the heart is afflicted. The affliction of the heart, Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is associated with a build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries with a heightened risk of blood clots. This condition is called arteriosclerosis. It can damage arteries in organs like the heart, brain, eyes, and kidneys. CVD is one of the main causes of death and disability, but a healthy lifestyle can often prevent it.


According to WHO estimates, 17.9 million died of CVDs in 2019. It represented 32% of deaths worldwide. Of these, 85% were because of strokes and heart attacks.


An unhealthy diet is often the cause of heart disease. People become less physically active. It means that you can prevent heart disease by eating heart-healthy food. It is because of blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, and other risk factors that cause heart disease.  All this, in turn, is caused by your diet. A healthy heart is supported by diets that contain fibre, fats, and antioxidants. Processed meat and sugar increase the risk. Scientific evidence supports certain foods, and you live longer by choosing them.


A heart-healthy diet exists 


There are many choices for a healthy lifestyle. Estimates reveal that 80% of stroke or heart disease risks are avoided by a healthy diet. Does a healthy diet exist? The low fat, low-cholesterol, low-fat diet was a prescription once. But it has been found that cholesterol levels have nothing to do with cholesterol foods. The cause is consuming processed and packaged foods that contain "low fat." Low fat is only a label. There are umpteen diet plans. Some groups support each plan. The so-called experts dwell in vanity. But who can be believed?


Intake of a measured quantity of nutritious foods from different groups is sure to boost your physical and mental health. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients. You can add lean poultry, fish, and whole grains to the menu. Saturated fat should be avoided altogether, with sugar and excess sodium. 


Heart-healthy Menu 


Maybe you want to improve your heart health after you have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. Maybe you have high BP or high cholesterol. The following heart-healthy diet pattern will help you lower the risk of a stroke or heart attack.

Enjoying a variety of unprocessed fresh food is recommended.

Natural foods are low in salt, unhealthy fats, added sugar, rich in fibre, whole grains, minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats. Here are six rules to achieve a heart-healthy eating balance.

1. Lower LDL cholesterol foods


According to a 2020 report, high LDL cholesterol was the fifth high-risk factor causing 4. 3 million death accounting for 4.3 million deaths in 2017. LDL cholesterol develops fatty deposits in blood vessels. It obstructs arteries, forming plaques in arteries going to your heart. To avoid LDL cholesterol, the adoption of a heart-healthy lifestyle is a must.


  • Avocados have heart-healthy rich nutrients. It improves heart disease risk it lowers LDL cholesterol.

  • Eat barley and oats. Beta-glucan, the fibre found in them, lowers LDL cholesterol.

  • Eat Soy protein. It reduces LDL cholesterol. According to estimates, around 3–4% in adults.

  • Take Green tea. It reduces LDL and cholesterol levels.

  • Eat nuts. They are rich in unsaturated fats that lower LDL levels.

Avoid pork and lamb fatty meat, cream and butter, dairy products, and fried foods.


2. Good fats food recommended


Studies have revealed the existence of healthy fats or unsaturated fats in some foods. They are High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. They clear LDL from the blood. It is taken back to break down in the liver. Good fat helps in several biological processes like vitamin transport, cell membrane building, muscle movement, and blood clotting. It's essential to intake healthy fats.


Unsaturated fats are contained in Avocados, Safflower oil, and Olive oil. It could include Avocados, Walnuts, and Olives in the diet. Meat is the primary protein source for many people. Many of their favourites, like steaks, burgers, and bacon, contain saturated fat. If you change to heart health proteins, it will reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

 3. Avoid  processed foods


While away from home, people eat ultra-processed foods. These include sugary cereals, packaged snacks, chicken nuggets, drinks, and instant soup. They may satisfy your taste buds but may make you prone to heart ailments and cause early death. Two studies suggest this danger. Ultra-processed food is the ones that are manufactured food with high added sugar content. Refined grains and High sugar corn syrup are examples. White rice or white flour are refined grains. These often consist of ingredients in the form of chemicals and preservatives.


Ultra-processed foods contain sugar, fat, calories, and salt. They have low vitamins, fibre, and minerals content that help reduce heart disease. Ultra-processed foods are common in dishes globally. To make the diet healthy or rebalance it, you can replace whole foods, like seeds, nuts, grains, fruits, lean meats, legumes, and vegetables.


4. Eat more vegetables, fruits


Fruits and Vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fibre but low in calories. They are similar to other plants and plant-based foods. They contain ingredients that help prevent heart disease. Include more vegetables and fruits on your menu. It will help you cut high-calorie foods- meat, snacks, and cheese have high calories.

 Vegetables and fruits to choose from Fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, canned l vegetables with low sodium, and canned fruit in water or juice.

➤ Vegetables and fruits to limit: Creamy sauce vegetables, coconut, breaded or fried vegetables, frozen fruit with added sugar, and canned fruit in heavy syrup.


If you start consuming healthy food too much, it will not be a heart-warming experience in the longer run. It is definite to break your heart. Eat mindfully and slowly. Get your meals served on smaller plates. These are time-tested strategies to lower the amount of your intake.


5. Avoid salt


Too much sodium in the bloodstream can increase water retention in blood vessels and increase blood pressure. Over time, high blood pressure puts a greater strain on the heart and can contribute to plaque build-up that blocks blood flow. Additionally, a high-sodium diet can also lead to bloating, puffiness, and weight gain. Passing on the saltshaker is a good start, but reducing sodium takes a bit more effort and attention. Check the labels on foods you buy at the store; they are required by law to include sodium in the product.


6. Plan ahead: create a daily menu


The menu is ready, and you know the heart of the matter-how to limit and what to intake. Now have an action plan. Have daily menus with the strategies we have already listed. When consuming foods for snacks and meals, emphasis should be on fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. Choose healthy fats and lean protein foods and limit that are salty. Limit the quantity of intake with a variety of choices. It will not harm you if you indulge quite often.  Chips and a candy bar are not going to derail the heart-healthy menu.

Bottom Line


A healthy diet is a foundation for nursing the heart. A healthy menu helps you keep healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure and reduces the risk for diabetes and obesity. It's important to stop smoking, regular exercise, and reduce stress to keep your heart healthy. 

© Ramachandran 






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