Blog of Ramachandran #
History, Politics, and Spirituality
Sunday, 10 May 2020
Why Modi Told Indians to Light Lamps?
Lamp is an integral part of every puja in the Hindu method of worship. In fact, lighting of the lamp is the very first ritual that marks the beginning of every sacred act in Hinduism. Lighting the lamp amounts to invoking the presence of God in the site and also awakening the inner spiritual energy in us. While oil and ghee are used to fuel the lamps, the tradition prefers ghee lamp over oil lamp during puja.
Lamp is a symbol of fire principle called as Tejas. Most spiritual traditions across the world see God in the form of light and therefore, lighting the lamp while beginning the puja is highly symbolic of perceiving the supreme principle manifest in visible form as the flame of the lamp.
Every spiritual practice whether puja other forms of Sadhana are meant to kindle the seven chakras of the human body and awaken the spiritual power within. While an oil lamp can send vibrations to kindle the first two chakras namely Muladhara and Swdhishtana, a ghee lamp has the power to kindle the net two chakras namely Manipura and Anahata as well. The oil lamp always activates the Surya Nadi of the person, while a ghee lamp can activate the Nadi that is appropriate to the individual depending on the action he is engaged in.
There are three basic propensities in creation namely Sattva, Rajas and Tamas which indicate the positive, impulsive and lethargic tendencies respectively. A positive state is essential for spiritual progress. While an oil lamp sends vibrations that strengthen the Rajas particles of the sheath of vital air (Pranamaya Kosha), a ghee lamp can enhance the Sattva or the positive particles of this sheath thereby easing the spiritual pursuit.
In an oil lamp we find yellow and red colour components which represent divine consciousness and radiant energy respectively. In a ghee lamp, we find an additional component of blue colour which is symbolic of spiritual emotion and helps attract more amount of spiritual vibrations from the atmosphere.
Ghee has the supreme place in fuelling the lamps. The combination of ghee and fire are said to produce highly powerful spiritual energy. In fact, lighting lamp with ghee amounts to placing a powerful spiritual yantra at the site. People say lighting a ghee lamp is like wearing a talisman. Shastras note that ghee lamp can attract the aura of Kubera, the god of wealth and help in winning wealth, fame, power and luxury in one’s life.
Butter obtained from native variety of cows feeding on green grass is ideally suitable to get the desired results. As much as possible, light the lamp with the flame facing the east or north direction. Earthen lamps are the ideal choice, while silver and brass lamps rank second and third.
Ghee Lamp for Wealth and Prosperity
Single threaded mud lamp filled with ghee. Usually this sort of single flame ghee lamps are lighted in temple as an offering to Gods and also in their houses during certain festivals such as diwali and during krittika day. But most people don’t know the scientific reason behind lamp lighting.
In India, lamps are lighted using various agents such as Ghee, Oil, Oil made of 9 great grains (navdhanya). Oil made of nine grains (navdhanya) when used for lighting a lamp creates an Aura in the place which protects the person against malefic planetary rays as well as negative energies. The smoke that comes from the lamp when inhaled channels ones energy centers and increases their bio magnetic field. That is the reason people used to light lamp in their house on early morning sunrise and during sunset.
When you light a lamp filled with oil made of sesame seeds, then it creates an energy field which protects you from Saturn’s harmful rays and increases the iron content in your body. This lamp should be lighted at home only on Saturdays and not on other days.
Ghee stands above the rest of other agents when it comes to offering supreme grace to a person. The combination of ghee and fire and resulting energy field that produces is of extremely high spiritual energy. It creates a spiritual yantra at a place it is lighted and acts as a great talisman.
When you light a single thread ghee lamp in your house, then the house and its members are blessed with spiritual power, wisdom and peacefulness.
Whereas, five threaded ghee lamp creates a special aura which is the aura of Kubera – the god of wealth, and makes that place is rich and abundant in wealth, luxury, fame and power. This is also a spiritual energy which makes one enjoy all worldly comforts.
When you light such a ghee lamp daily at home, early morning before sunrise and also after sun set, then the house is abundantly showered with wealth and prosperity. You should allow the lamp to light for atleast one hour and then you can put off the flame using a flower or soft thread. Flower is the best one to put off flame in lamp, one should never blow air and put off the flame as it will create great misfortune to that person.
When you blow air and put off a flame or fire, the prana from your mouth reacts with fire (Agni) tattva (element) thereby creating Abana Vayu or Abana Wind, this when enters your throat affects your thyroid gland which is responsible for 90 percent of illness in our body. So flame should be put off using a flower or a leaf that is fallen or soft object but not through blowing air from mouth or any way.
Before you put off the light using flower, say three times AUM Shanti or AMEN or Shalom, all means same. Say it by heart and not through vocal.
Make sure the ghee lamp faces east direction, which means it should be placed in west side of the room and sees the eastern face. It should never be facing south or west.
Lighting lamp is considered auspicious in all religions, but there is significant meaning in it and we should make use of it. People who want to improve financial status can light a five threaded ghee lamp at home daily and see the difference to themselves.
Instead of lighting ghee lamps at temple or church, light one at your home and make it auspicious. The saints said to light a lamp in the abode of God, and temple is not the only abode of God; your own house is abode of God, your body is abode of God; so light it for you.
Prime Minister Modi appeared on national television at exactly 9 o’clock and asked all of us to light lamps, candles and torches for exactly 9 minutes at 9 o’clock this Sunday (April 5).9, 9 and another 9.
April 5 sees the biggest transit of the month with a monumental conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto.
There are nine planets in our solar system. So, by lighting up candles for exactly nine minutes at 9 o’clock, we would be sending an SOS to the nine planets for helping us get rid of the coronavirus epidemic.
We have to mollify the mercurial Mars, the ruling planet of ailments. So, you have come up with a simple solution to pacify all the nine planets in just one shot: offer a spoonful of oil to an earthen lamp and place it in your courtyard or balcony, then look at the sky silently. Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Moon, Sun and Venus would all be gratified.
The number ‘9’ has its own mathematical message. If you were to multiply any number by 9, and then reduce the resulting digits to a single digit, it always becomes nine.For example, 9X9=81, 8+1=9.
This whole month is dominated by Venus. Maintaining its shining glory, Venus will outcast every object in the night-sky and can be seen next to the star cluster Pleiades or Kruttika. This open cluster consists of about hundred stars packed in close to each other-if you see using a binocular. With un-aided eye you can easily see 6-7 stars, nearby each other along with Venus. On this day’s night, Venus will be at edge of the Pleiades Cluster-a spectacular event to be seen. This happens once in 8 yrs. So if you want Venus to pass through Pleiades, you have to wait till 2028!
At the beginning of April, look to the west each evening in the couple of hours after sunset as Venus visits the Pleiades. Watch each night from the 1st through the 5th, as Venus climbs higher in the sky each evening, crossing through the Pleiades star cluster. The real highlight is on April 3rd, when Venus will appear inside the Pleiades — meaning it’ll be in the same field of view through binoculars or a telescope with a wide field of view. This should be spectacular if the weather’s clear where you are, so here’s wishing you clear skies. Jupiter entered Capricorn sign on March 28, Jupiter in Capricorn sign is in conjunction with Pluto, Mars and Saturn in Uttarashadha nakshatra ruled by Sun. Jupiter from Capricorn sign is aspecting Venus in Taurus sign from April 1 to April 10. Venus is transiting its own sign Taurus this month. Jupiter, Saturn and Venus are slowing down this month, as they will go retrograde in second week of May.
Rahu is transiting in Gemini sign in Rahu’s Ardra nakshatra this month, around 8 degree, where it was during 9/11 attacks. This time Rahu is responsible for attack by an invisible enemy, coronavirus. When Rahu will leave Gemini sign and move into Taurus sign on September 24, it will bring relief from coronavirus.
Astrologers and Vedic practitioners have given a thumbs up to Modi’s efforts.
They claim that what Modi is planning to do is like a collective yagna, specifically deepa (lamp) yagna where the participants light a diya to send a message of positivity to the universe, as Modi said – “to challenge the darkness spread by the coronavirus crisis, introducing it to the power of light.”
Mumbai-based astrologer Shastri Niranjan Shukla, who accurately predicted the return of Modi-led government in 2019, down to the number of seats, says what the PM is exhorting the people to do is akin to a deep yagna.
Based on planetary positions, Shukla is of the view that the spread of Covid-19 will start slowing down after April 14 and the situation would have improved considerably by May 14. Jaipur-based Vedic practitioner Manish Grover agrees with his reading of the stars. He says that the adverse circumstances because of Coronavirus will substantially improve after April 15, around which time some kind of medical breakthrough to treat it is expected.
Both the astrologers also foresee PM Modi emerging stronger from the crisis. “Modi ji will earn worldwide respect for himself and also for the country by his handling of the crisis and also showcasing it. He will emerge as the nirvirodh vijeta (indisputable winner),” Grover says. He also believes that all the dates and time that Modi has chosen – be it for Janata Curfew or lighting of diyas – seem to have been influenced by astrology.
Astrologer and well-known Tarot card reader Ma Prem Ritambhara calls it a good thing that will unite the country and create a positive energy field.
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